Bascule lowers costs of disability awareness training to combat rise in hate crimes

A recent soar in hate crimes against people with disabilities has led Bascule to offer businesses in Hampshire, Sussex and London a reduced rate for disability awareness training.
Following October’s release of a report that revealed a shocking 22% national increase in disability hate crime since last year, (and a 71% rise in online hate crime), Bascule Disability Training has announced it will offer a 20% discount on its disability awareness training for the remainder until January 31st 2020.
By doing so, it hopes to encourage businesses to become more inclusive. The proceeds from each business using Bascule’s training services will fund a day of free awareness training at a school of their choice to further improve attitudes and awareness of disability.
Bascule works with businesses to create inclusive business environments and workforces through interactive bespoke modules and workshops. Its training empowers workers with a firmer understanding of all areas of disability, covering issues such as correct use of language, understanding, etiquette, communication, legislation and the development of inclusive business environments.
Bascule already works with schools to promote inclusion, understanding and empathy amongst children and young people. This training is designed to give children a strong understanding of disability, allowing them to learn about the needs, challenges and unique life experiences of people with disabilities.
Chris Jay, the Managing Director of Bascule explains, “According to Scope, 53% of people with disabilities say that they have experienced bullying or harassment at work because of their impairments, so the workplace is certainly an environment that could benefit from awareness training. Disability Awareness also provides a whole host of business benefits, improves staff attraction and retention, creates a positive profile and enhances customer service.”
“Any business in Hampshire, Sussex or London will not only receive our bespoke awareness training package-they will also fund a local school awareness day, helping children to develop a more positive understanding and empathy towards others with a disability.”
Bascule’s 20% offer will last until 31st January 2020. If you would like to find out more about Bascule Disability Training’s awareness training packages, contact 0330 3800662 or-