Bascule Welcomes Imogen!

Bascule Disability Training is delighted to welcome on board, Imogen Steele- who joins us as an Marketing and Media Assistant helping with our copywriting, marketing content and social media.
We asked Imogen a few questions to learn more about her, her interests and her connection to disability awareness….
Tell us about your background?
I was born with cerebral palsy quadriplegia. I have always been a determined and humorous individual. Educated in the mainstream school system, I struggled throughout my primary schooling to get the support I needed to reach my potential. My parents therefore had to fight so that I could receive the educational opportunities that I was entitled to. I was accepted into Kings School Winchester’s special physical department after much confrontation with the council who did not want to fund my place. It was during secondary school that I started to use a voice-activated computer. Last year, I graduated from university a with first class honours degree in history. During my degree I focused upon ancient and mediaeval history, writing my dissertation thesis on the use of propaganda during the wars of the roses. Throughout my entire education, I had to constantly fight to ensure that reasonable adjustments were made in order for me to access my classes and complete my work. My experience in education has cemented my desire to pursue a career working with disadvantaged communities and minority groups to prevent acts of discrimination and uphold the rights of all.
What brought you to Bascule and why do you have an interest in promoting disability awareness?
As a disabled individual, I have witnessed first-hand the barriers that those who have disabilities face in society, particularly within the education system. With Bascule offering disability awareness training not only in the workplace but also in higher education institutions, this company helps to promote the positive change needed to make society more accepting of those with disabilities. For this reason, I am looking forward to joining the Bascule team and promoting important social change.
What are your hobbies and passions?
I am an avid wheelchair rugby player and currently play for the Solent Sharks. I also enjoy horse riding, swimming and rowing. I relish any opportunity to visit historical sites and museums. I love engrossing myself within a TV boxset or a film and also appreciate a good book. I am passionate advocate for all human rights and believe in egalitarianism. In my spare time I enjoy baking and creating gluten-free cakes and sweet treats.
What do you hope to achieve whilst working with Bascule?
Working with bascule, I hope to help create a society wherein disabled individuals no longer have to struggle and fight to receive equal opportunities in education and work. I believe the best way to do this is through the education and awareness training that Bascule provides.
What motivates/ inspires you?
My motivation derives from my determination to exceed the limitations that society and medical professionals were keen to place upon me at a young age. I am inspired to help others as my mother has devoted her life to fighting for my rights and I now wish to fight for the rights of all disabled people.
What is your favourite movie?
I love most films but my favourite would probably have to be Spy starring Melissa McCarthy.
Tell us one strange or unique fact about yourself!
I once took part in a cookery demonstration with the Michelin star chef Michael Canes where he accidentally squirted lemon juice in my eye providing much hilarity for myself and my family watching in the audience.