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How to prevent unconscious bias around disability

How to prevent unconscious bias around disability

It’s not always easy to determine why we make certain choices. If you ask yourself, what made you choose those clothes, pursue that career, or be friends with certain people, you’ll probably think about your preferences and inclinations. “I bought that coat because I... read more »

How does a business widen its talent pool?

How does a business widen its talent pool?

  There is an ever-growing amount of evidence to demonstrate the benefits of having a diverse workforce, with findings proving it can lead to economic growth, improved creativity, an enhanced workplace culture, staff retention and motivation- to mention just a few. Despite this, many organisations find... read more »

How accessible will your business be in 2024?

How accessible will your business be in 2024?

As we enter into a new year, many companies will be looking for ways to improve inclusivity and become a more accessible organisation. As with any planning, it’s always beneficial to take stock by measuring how inclusive you currently are, as this will help... read more »

Including disability in your EDI Strategy

Including disability in your EDI Strategy

There are many benefits to having an Equity (formerly Equality) Development and Inclusion (EDI) strategy. Not only does it enable you to create an inclusive, fairer working environment, it builds the foundations for a workplace culture that will allow employees to feel valued, motivated,... read more »

Should we ask? Should we assume? Or just become more aware?

Should we ask? Should we assume? Or just become more aware?

If you’re someone with a visible disability- you will almost certainly have a story or two about those moments when a stranger has approached you with an intrusive, inappropriate, offensive or just plain stupid question. It can happen on the street, in a restaurant, on... read more »

Banter, Bullying and Harassment- Understanding the boundaries

Banter, Bullying and Harassment- Understanding the boundaries

When most people think of bullying, they think of the experiences of children or teenagers, but the truth is, bullying is also experienced by a huge number of adults in the workplace. In fact, in 2015 a poll from TUC stated that 29% of... read more »

Purple Tuesday: A new perception of disability

Purple Tuesday: A new perception of disability

The following article was written by Bascule Disability Training's Managing Director- Chris Jay- for MyCustomer.com  Over recent years, a vast number of companies have introduced strategies to embrace equity, diversity, and inclusion. However, evidence has shown that many of these strategies overlook the importance of... read more »

Changing Workspaces- A time for inclusivity?

Changing Workspaces- A time for inclusivity?

The office is evolving to accommodate new modern methods of working, but will employers consider everyone throughout this change? One thing the pandemic taught us, is that if push comes to shove, many of our jobs can be done from home. In fact, after the... read more »

Making reasonable adjustments also requires a cultural shift

Making reasonable adjustments also requires a cultural shift

Making reasonable adjustments for employees with disabilities is vital for them to thrive and perform to their best ability. Whilst a failure to make a reasonable adjustment is considered discrimination under the Equality Act 2010, employers are still facing issues around implementing them.    read more »

Myths Debunked Around Employing People with Disabilities

Myths Debunked Around Employing People with Disabilities

Equality, diversity and inclusion is now at the forefront of many company agendas when recruiting staff, but a majority have made race, gender, religion or sexual orientation a priority over disability. This was proven in a report from CIPD (2022) that found that just... read more »
