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Give me five! .... 5 reasons why disability awareness will improve your business

Give me five! .... 5 reasons why disability awareness will improve your business

Embracing disability awareness can positively impact the development of an SME in many ways- This week, Chris Jay gives us five…reasons why disability awareness improves business... Expanding your market It may shock you to learn, that ignoring the needs of people with disabilities as a potential... read more »

Inclusivity in the Hotel Industry

Inclusivity in the Hotel Industry

Chris Jay of Bascule Disability Awareness explains the benefits of accessibility in hotels… If I was to tell you that your hotel is neglecting to appeal to a customer group that is worth £12bn pounds a year- I’m sure I’d have your attention. I am... read more »

Hello world! We're Blogging!

Hello world! We're Blogging!

We are delighted to say that Bascule Disability Awareness is now blogging! Stay tuned for more information, articles, comment, events, news and opinions on everything related to disability awareness.  read more »
